UMA Group International medical mission is composed of healthcare professionals (doctor, advanced practice nurse practitioner, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, midwives, nurse aides, dentists, and pharmacists) who travel together to Togo (West Africa) for one to two weeks, live together and work alongside local healthcare pro
UMA Group International medical mission is composed of healthcare professionals (doctor, advanced practice nurse practitioner, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, midwives, nurse aides, dentists, and pharmacists) who travel together to Togo (West Africa) for one to two weeks, live together and work alongside local healthcare professionals to run a free basic clinic.
During the clinic local population will be screened, treated and educated, free of charge, for various health conditions such as malaria, viral and bacterial infections, diarrhea, constipation, fever, abscess, wounds, minor injuries, STDs, UTI, prenatal and postpartum care, women’s health, and the management of chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure.
UMA offers healthcare-related mission placements for healthcare professionals in nursing, midwifery, internal medicine, pediatrics and surgery to different healthcare settings (hospitals, inner city clinics, community healthcare centers, rural clinics, community outreach programs, etc.)
Whether you are a novice or experienced healthcare p
UMA offers healthcare-related mission placements for healthcare professionals in nursing, midwifery, internal medicine, pediatrics and surgery to different healthcare settings (hospitals, inner city clinics, community healthcare centers, rural clinics, community outreach programs, etc.)
Whether you are a novice or experienced healthcare professional, this medical program will help you learn first-hand about the roles that a nurse or physician plays in the management and treatment of patients in an under-resourced healthcare setting such as Togo.
With the help of its donors and volunteers, The United Mission to Africa builds and restores rural healthcare centers, sanitation facilities, and educational centers in underserved communities. We work with local communities to increasing access to clean water and water management in rural communities. In order to achieve these goals, we
With the help of its donors and volunteers, The United Mission to Africa builds and restores rural healthcare centers, sanitation facilities, and educational centers in underserved communities. We work with local communities to increasing access to clean water and water management in rural communities. In order to achieve these goals, we aim to donate medicine, basic medical supplies and diagnostic kits, build or restore healthcare facilities.
We staff and train local healthcare workers to help establish a team of long-term healthcare professionals dedicated to serving their home communities.
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